Visit the Technology Showcase located in the Western Hemisphere Education Center and explore our tech.
Located in our Western Hemisphere Education Center, the Baker Hughes Technology Showcase highlights a range of oilfield services and equipment models, simulations and interactive screens offering a one of a kind, in person experience.
From drilling to production, this show room highlights our latest innovations while serving as a platform for training and educating visitors about sustainable energy solutions.
Technology Showcase
As soon as you enter the facility, you’ll be welcomed by a multitude of technologies including two, four foot long, replicated stimulation vessels (The Blue Tarpon and The Blue Dolphin)* as part of our Completions, Intervention and Measurement showcase followed by the Production Solutions, Subsea and Surface Pressure Systems, and Well Construction business segment sections.
The Production Solutions section features a projection mapping chemicals model and HPump™ surface pumping system* while the Subsea and Surface Pressure Systems area has an actual Surface Pressure Control wellhead* and the Well Construction area, a DELTA-TEQ™ holographic drilling fluid model*.
While these are just some of the on-hands models available, we also have dedicated sections covering, New Energies, Digital and Integrated Solutions.
There is no need to travel to multiple Baker Hughes offices to see our full scope of offerings; it’s in one location. Less travel results to lower carbon emissions and aligning with our commitment to sustainability.
With many of our Baker Hughes models centralized in one place, the Technology Showcase also exemplifies sustainable business practices by minimizing our physical footprint in support of our goal to achieving net zero emissions.
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Talk to one of our experts to learn more about the Technology Showcase or to plan your next visit.
* Not all models are guaranteed to be on the show room floor at all times; sometimes the models travel “around the world” for industry events but will be back soon.
Online interactive

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Drill bit models

X-treme Clean XP model

Wireline interactives