Peace of mind knowing your critical machinery is protected.
In demanding environments, machinery failure is not simply inconvenient - it can be financially catastrophic. While repair costs alone can be staggering, the partial or total loss of production, resulting from failure, can mean millions of dollars each day.
Continuously monitoring critical asset parameters such as vibration, temperature, speed, and other relevant indicators is proven to anticipate and prevent mechanical failures. Safeguard your important machine assets and prevent catastrophic failures with Cordant’s comprehensive machine protection systems.
Proactive maintenance and fleet management programs for maximum productivity and cost reduction

Prevent catastrophic failure
Continuously monitor parameters such as vibration, temperature, speed, and other relevant indicators to prevent catastrophic failures.

Reduce costs
Reduce maintenance and repair costs by reducing failures and unplanned maintenance. Cost savings can be realized through lower insurance premiums.

Less unplanned downtime
Plan maintenance outages versus unplanned ones, resulting in less downtime, longer intervals between outages for a reduction in production loss.
Protect all critical machinery assets across a wide range of industrial process applications

The future of asset protection & condition monitoring
Orbit 60 Series is our most advanced system for monitoring and protecting all critical machinery assets across a wide range of industrial process applications. Built on a fully distributable architecture, Orbit 60 allows you to monitor all your assets regardless of complexity or location while remaining cyber secure.

Industry’s most extensive selection of machinery measurement parameters
With over 80,000 installed worldwide, our 3500 system is the world-leader at detecting and preventing both missed-trips and false-trips in rotating machinery. The 3500 provides automatic protection value by tripping monitored machines to avoid expensive damage when needed.

2300 Vibration Monitor & Machine Protection System
Our 2300 Vibration Monitors are designed for use on a broad range of machine trains or individual casings where the sensor point count fits the monitor's channel count and where advanced signal processing is desired. These monitors provide very low-cost condition monitoring and protection capabilities on less critical and essential machinery.

1900/65 General Purpose Equipment Monitor
The 1900/65 General Purpose Equipment Monitor is a flexible, cost-effective system specifically designed to continuously monitor and protect essential and balance-of-plant equipment assets such as: Pumps, blowers, cooling tower fans, motors, pulverizers, air compressors, small reciprocating compressors, small hydro turbines and centrifuges.