
Developing new energy projects faces unique challenges in today’s competitive landscape. Governments looking to attract investments from global companies must benchmark their value proposition against alternative investment opportunities. Our experts create fully integrated models that support in-depth contract terms, taxes, and royalties analysis. Our skills range from designing petroleum laws and policies that achieve a competitive return from hydrocarbon resources to developing petroleum conservation regulations. 

When valuing opportunities, private companies are faced with the crucial task of making the best choice for deploying their capital. Whether you’re raising capital or spending it, our insights, derived from rigorous, comprehensive, and independent analysis, provide a solid foundation for your decision-making, offering a sense of security and reassurance.  

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are important for energy transition, as high-cost burdens and risks must be optimally shared between the government, which primarily funds the energy transition, and private players, which provide the necessary technical and commercial skills to execute the projects. GaffneyCline™ energy advisory has been helping governments develop policies, regulations, and structures for PPPs, including business and funding models so that their combined strength is effectively deployed. 

For decades, GaffneyCline™ energy advisory has delivered insightful analysis and turned it into solid, commonsense investment advice. Our multidisciplinary advisory teams, comprising industry experts with extensive experience as project developers, service providers, and investors, provide comprehensive solutions that address all aspects of your energy project. With a clear understanding of the drivers of industry players, our technical and commercial professionals can accurately estimate the value of your specific assets in an ever-changing environment. GaffneyCline™ energy advisory is the recognized leader in launching successful offerings, covering various assets, target markets, and fiscal regimes. 

Over more than 60-year history, GaffneyCline™ energy advisory has provided strategic and commercial counsel for some of the energy industry's milestone transactions. Our economists, analysts, and advisors continue to offer their unique global experience as trusted advisors to: 

  • Sovereign nations promoting their country’s resources.
  • Executives optimizing their company’s portfolio. 
  • Shareholders valuing their investments. 

Contact GaffneyCline™ energy advisory today to learn how our expert analysis and advice can help you make the best decisions for your energy project portfolio. 

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