Smarter digital for people, planet, and performance

Fewer boots on the ground enhances safety and unlocks productivity
We've freed up over 2 million hours of skilled labor for high-value tasks in our collaborative remote-operations centers

Fewer helicopter rides and car journeys reduce emissions
With fewer people on site, there's less travelling. We've already saved the carbon footprint equivalent of taking 25 cars off the road

Smarter use of skills reduces costs and boosts the bottom line
As well as increasing uptime, our remote operations model has reduced well-delivery costs by an average of 8.7%

With 40 years in remote ops and a century in oil and gas, we’ve learned by doing
Our remote-operations centers bring together the unrivalled domain expertise of our multi-skilled, cross-discipline teams, sharing better insights across borders—more quickly and efficiently than ever before.

We know because we rely on the same technology and expertise ourselves
Backed by unrivalled domain expertise and battle-tested in some of the world's toughest environments, our powerful data infrastructure, automated hardware, and best-in-class remote operations software are pushing science to new limits.