
Closing Keynote: Lorenzo Simonelli

Closing Keynote with Lorenzo Simonelli

This isn’t about today. It isn’t about tomorrow. It’s about what we can do together through the next decade in achieving our net‑zero pledge

Mr. Simonelli gave a heartfelt thankyou to all the speakers and the hundreds of people behind the scenes who helped make Annual Meeting 2023 a success.

He reflected on the energy trilemma of sustainability, affordability, and security, and the need to balance those elements with technology and commitment.

Reminding us that every country has a different starting point and different needs, he stressed that the focus shouldn’t be on fuel source, but instead on emissions reduction—and not just CO2, but methane and NOx as well.

Finally, he emphasized the importance of collaboration—across companies and industries—and inspiring policymakers, NGOs, and governments to come together.

In closing, he invited everyone back to Florence in January 2024.