BHC3 Sustainability helps sustainability, plant, and energy managers achieve targets for energy cost, GHG emissions, water consumption, and waste reduction. The application models energy efficiency and emissions at every level of the industrial process from the individual asset to the entire plant carbon footprint. Advanced AI models identify opportunities for energy efficiency, prioritize emission reduction strategies, alert operators to efficiency anomalies, and verify progress against sustainability goals.​​

Optimize Product Environmental Footprint and Share Progress with Customers

Advanced analysis to maximize impact

Demonstrated Benefits

🡓 10-20%​
reduction in fuel input costs for production operations
🡓 20-40%​
decrease in greenhouse gas emissions​
🡓 15-30%​
reduction in water consumption and waste generation​

AI-Powered Sustainable Production Operations​

Pain Point

BHC3 Sustainability Solution

Lack of comprehensive visibility into equipment, line, and process-level sustainability metrics​

Sustainability-focused digital twins of production facilities provide view of fuel efficiency, emissions, water, and waste within and across plants, including leak detection and flaring tracking​

Limited collaboration between sustainability and operations teams to identify project opportunities​

AI-based alerts and recommendations identify specific operational opportunities with estimated sustainability impact​

Inability to track product carbon footprints and leverage sustainability investments to competitively differentiate​

Industry-specific data models and out-of-the-box emission factor libraries enable advanced product carbon footprint analysis​

Time-consuming manual calculation of project savings

Automated AI/ML project savings measurement and verification track sustainability ROI at the equipment and facility levels​

Difficult to track and report progress against sustainability goals

Continuous monitoring of facility and enterprise sustainability goals aligned to major ESG reporting requirements

Existing systems are rigid, closed, and not scalable​

Flexible, secure, and open platform offers robust integrations and full interoperability with all enterprise and extraprise systems such as historian systems, flare stack sensors, PEMS, CEMS

Benefits for Energy Professionals

Benefits for BHC3 Sustainability Infographic

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