Solid BH Green


Between regulations and a corporate responsibility to improve the environmental landscape, companies are discovering that reliable digital solutions can ease the pressure on control engineers allowing them to focus their time on maintaining a safe environment for the refinery with reliable data & insights.

flare.IQ Operator Benefits:

  • Deliver high-efficiency flare combustion and significantly reduce methane emissions and steam usage
  • Avoid any carbon tax penalties associated with flaring
  • Manage flare assets remotely 24/7
  • Identify issues early and intervene quickly by having access to real-time combustion efficiency data on the production floor
  • Verify flare meters remotely, eliminating the logistical and operational costs of technician support, scaffolding, and permit application associated with traditional flare verification
  • Eliminate the HSE risk associated with scaffolding

To better understand how our flare management systems can help, contact a Panametrics expert now!

A Panametrics expert is ready to listen to your case:

Give us a call at:

USA and Canada: +1-346-330-1150

France:  +33 97 518 06 60

Germany: +49 69 9675 88 94

UK: +44 800 023 24 47

Mexico & Latam: +52-812-474-1998 

Brazil: +55-21-4040-4073


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