Druck’s Expert line of portable calibration equipment offers a variety of rigorous calibration instrumentation for pressure, temperature, and electrical applications. From the DPI 611 high-accuracy pressure calibrator and DPI 612 fully self-contained pressure test and calibration system to our dry block and multi-function temperature calibrators, Druck's testing and calibration instruments allow our customers to maintain product quality, process efficiency, regulatory compliance, and operational safety.
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The DPI 611 is the fourth generation in the DPI 600 family, which was first introduced in 1984. The DPI 600 family revolutionized test and calibration by providing all the tools for pressure generation and signal measurement in self-contained, portable packages. The DPI 600 soon became the industry workhorse and today it is simply known as the “Druck.”
Building on the technical legacy of more than four decades of experience in pressure measurement and calibration, the DPI 611 provides all the convenience and reliability of a true “Druck,” yet offers twice the performance in a product half the size. Features include:
- 50% smaller and 33% lighter than the DPI 610
- Generates 0 to 20 bar/300 psi in less than 30 seconds
- Creates 95% vacuum
- Pressure measurement is twice as accurate
- Three times better electrical accuracy
- Simplified touch screen interface with application DASHBOARD, quick TASK selection, and FAVORITES storage
- Fast, three touch set-up for any application
- Calculates PASS/FAIL errors, documents results, and interfaces with calibration software

The DPI 611 is a simple-to-use “everyday” tool for maintaining and calibrating pressure instruments. It also has the advanced features of the DPI 620 Genii for automating calibration procedures, calculating errors, and interfacingwith PCs and calibration and maintenance systems.
- Automated calibration procedures
- PASS/FAIL error analysis
- Multi-channel data logging
- 8 GB (nominal) user memory
- Connectivity with leading calibration and maintenance software including 4Sight

Step and ramp mA output: Simply configured for simulating transmitter outputs into control loops, testing valve positioners, and checking safety systems. The function has programmable endpoints, manual or automatic sequencing, and the following options for quick set-up:
- % step: The step size is defined as a percentage. For example, 25% provides five test points of 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 mA.
- Defined step: The step size is defined as a value in mA.
- Span check: Toggles between two endpoints, for example, 4 and 20 mA for checking zero and FS.
- Ramp: A linear ramp between two endpoints with programmable travel and dwell times is perfect for dynamically testing switches.
Nudge: Simply used to make a small incremental change to a mA output using up/down keys. This is great for determining trip values.
Switch test: Automates the capture of pressure switch actuation and de-actuation values and calculates the hysteresis.
Pressure leak test: This automated procedure for detecting leaks and determining leak rates has programmable settle and run times. The start and end pressures are reported along with the pressure change and leak rate.
Max/min: Captures maximum and minimum values and calculates the mean.
Relief valve: Captures the venting pressure of a relief valve.
Scaling: Scales the measured value into a process value. For example, mA expressed as a %. Flow correction is available for scaling differential flow transmitter outputs.
Pressure Resolution: Adjustable from four to seven digits; this matches the displayed value to that of the test device for easy comparison.
Help: The DPI 611 is provided with a multi-lingual quick user guide to get you up and running without delay. For convenience, the full manual is stored digitally within the instrument and can be transferred to a PC for viewing or printing. In the help application, you can also view wiring connection diagrams.
DPI 611 carry case (P/N IO611-CASE-1) A tailored carry case made from durable leather allows the DPI 611 to be used without removing it from the case. Detachable shoulder strap and storage pocket for test leads.
Mains adaptor (P/N IO620-PSU) A universal input mains adaptor. Input voltage 100 to 240 VAC 50/60 Hz. Mains socket adaptors are provided.
USB cable (P/N IO620-USB-PC) Connects the DPI 611 to a PC.
IDOS to USB converter (P/N IO620- IDOS-USB) Allows connection of an IDOS universal pressure module to the DPI 611. P/N IO620-USB-PC is also required to connect the converter to the DPI 611 USB port.
USB to RS 232 cable (P/N IO620-USB-RS232) Connects the DPI 611 to an RS 232 interface.
Dirt moisture trap (P/N IO620-IDT621) Prevents contamination of the DPI 611 pneumatic system and cross-contamination from one device under test to another. The trap connects directly to the pressure port and replicates the DPI 611 quick-fit connection for compatibility with the standard adaptors, adaptor kits and hoses.
Pneumatic hose A high-pressure pneumatic hose rated to 400 bar (5800 psi). The hose connects directly to the DPI 611 pressure port and replicates the quick-fit connection for compatibility with the standard adaptors supplied and the adaptor kits.
- P/N IO620-HOSE-P1: 1m/3.28ft pneumatic hose kit
- P/N IO620-HOSE-P2: 2m/3.28ft pneumatic hose kit
Pressure adaptor set A set of test point adaptors to connect the tool-less quick fit DPI 611 pressure port or the extension hoses to the device under test
- P/N IO620-BSP: G1/8 male and G1/4 male, G1/4 female, G3/8 female and G1/2 female
- P/N IO620-NPT: 1/8” male and 1/4” male, 1/4” female, 3/8” female, and 1/2” female
- P/N IO620-MET: 14 mm female and 20 mm female
Comparator adaptor (P/N IO620- COMP) For greater efficiency, two test devices can be connected at the same time. The adaptor connects to the pressure port of the DPI 611 and provides two outlet ports. Compatible with the standard adaptors supplied and the adaptor kits.

The Druck DPI 612 Flex series is the fifth generation in the DPI 600 family, which was first introduced in 1984. The DPI 600 family revolutionized test and calibration by providing all the tools for pressure generation and signal measurement in self-contained portable packages. The DPI 600 soon became the industry workhorse and today it is simply known as the “Druck.”
Building on the technical legacy of more than four decades of experience in pressure sensor development and calibration, the DPI 612 Flex series provides all the convenience and reliability of a true “Druck,” yet offers interchangeable pressure modules, higher accuracy, and significantly improved pressure generation.
Dependable and efficient pressure generation
Three model choices to generate from 95% vacuum to 1000 bar/ 15000 psi
- 20 bar/300 psi in 30 seconds
- 100 bar/1500 psi without gas bottles and regulators
- 1000 bar/15000 psi hydraulic pressure

DPI 612 pFlex
General Specifications:
- Maximum working pressure 20 bar / 30 psi pneumatic
- Maximum vacuum -95% of atmospheric pressure
- Pressure media Non-corrosive gases
- Pressure connection Quick-to-fit connection system. G1/8 female and 1/8 NPT female adaptors are provided
- Size and weight 350 mm x 170 mm x 145 mm ( 13.7 in x 6.7 in x 5.7 in) excluding accessories 3.4 kg (7.5 lb) including battery and pressure module
- Generation system Pressure/vacuum selector, high-efficiency pump, fine adjuster, precision release valve
DPI 612 pFlexPro
General Specifications:
- Maximum working pressure 100 bar / 1500 psi pneumatic
- Maximum vacuum -95% of atmospheric pressure
- Pressure media Non-corrosive gases
- Pressure connection Quick-to-fit connection system. G1/8 female and 1/8 NPT female adaptors are provided
- Size and weight 350 mm x 170 mm x 160 mm ( 13.7 in x 6.7 in x 6.3 in) excluding accessories 4.1 kg (9 lb) including battery and pressure module
- Generation system Pressure/vacuum selector, high-efficiency pump, pressure intensifier/fine adjuster, non-return valve, precision release valve
DPI 612 hFlexPro
General Specifications:
- Maximum working pressure 1000 bar / 15000 psi hydraulic
- Pressure media De-mineralized water or mineral oil (ISO viscosity grade < 22). 100cc internal reservoir
- Pressure connection Quick-to-fit connection system with G1/8 female and 1/8 NPT female adaptors
- Size and weight 350 mm x 170 mm x 170 mm ( 13.7 in x 6.7 in x 6.7 in) excluding accessories 4.7 kg (10.4 lb) including battery and pressure module
- Generation system Priming pump, pressure intensifier/fine adjuster, non-return valve, precision release valve
Interchangeable Pressure Modules
The PM 620 is the latest development in digital output sensor technology incorporating a number of key innovations to allow pressure re-ranging of compatible equipment. A simple screw fit makes both the pressure and electrical connections without the need for tools, sealing tape, cables, or plugs and digital characterization allows interchangeability without set-up or calibration. The PM620 also comes in an intrinsically safe version, the PM620S.
PM620 now incorporates our unique range of TERPS resonant silicon pressure sensor technology, the PM620T and the PM620TS intrinsically safe version. Providing up to four times greater stability and higher accuracy than current pressure measurement technologies.

Note – accessories identified by * are supplied as standard with applicable DPI 612 models except DPI 612-XXX–00.
*Carrying case (P/N IO620-CASE-3) A protective carrying case with shoulder strap and a large pocket for accessories.
Spare/replacement rechargeable battery (P/N CC3800GE) Spare/replacement lithium-ion battery for the DPI611 and DPI 612 Flex series.
Spare/replacement mains adaptor (P/N IO620-PSU) A universal input mains adaptor connects to the DPI 612 to charge the battery and power the instrument. Input voltage 100 to 240 VAC 50/60 Hz. Mains socket adaptors are provided.
Battery charging station (P/N CX6100GE) This external battery charging station and universal input mains adaptor allows a spare battery to be charged independently of the DPI 612 for minimum instrument downtime. A complete charge cycle takes approximately 6.5 hours. (CX6100GE Not available in Korea).
USB cable (P/N IO620-USB-PC) Connects the DPI 612 to a PC.
IDOS to USB converter (P/N IO620-IDOSUSB) Allows connection of an IDOS universal pressure module to the DPI 612. P/N IO620- USB-PC is also required to connect the converter to the DPI 612 USB port.
USB to RS 232 cable (P/N IO620-USB-RS232) Connects the DPI 612 to an RS 232 interface
*Dirt and moisture trap Prevents contamination of the DPI 612 pFlex pneumatic systems and cross-contamination from one device under test to another. The trap connects directly to the DPI 612 pFlex pressure port and replicates the quick-fit connection for compatibility with the hose and adaptor kits. Not for use with DPI 612 hFlex models.
- *P/N IO620-IDT621: Maximum working pressure 20 bar / 300 psi.
- *P/N IO620-IDT622: Maximum working pressure 100 bar / 1500 psi.
Quick-to-fit hose and adaptor system These high-pressure hoses and adaptors are compatible with the pressure ports of the DPI 612 Flex, DPI 611, and DPI 620 series and are quick-to-fit without tools or sealing.
- *IOHOSE-NP1: Pneumatic hose 1m/3.28ft. Maximum pressure 20 bar/300 psi.
- *IOHOSE-NP2: Pneumatic hose 2m/6.56ft. Maximum pressure 20 bar/300 psi.
- *P/N IO620-HOSE-P1: Pneumatic hose 1m/3.28ft. Maximum pressure 400 bar/5800 psi.
- P/N IO620-HOSE-P2: Pneumatic hose 2m/6.56ft. Maximum pressure 400 bar/5800 psi.
- *P/N IO620-HOSE-H1: Hydraulic hose 1 metre/3.28 ft. Maximum pressure 1000 bar/15000 psi.
- P/N IO620-HOSE-H2: Hydraulic hose 2 metre/6.56 ft. Maximum pressure 1000 bar/15000 psi.
- P/N IO620-BSP: Pressure adaptors G1/8 male and G1/4 male, G1/4 female, G3/8 female, and G1/2 female.
- P/N IO620-NPT: Pressure adaptors 1/8” male and 1/4” male, 1/4” female, 3/8” female, and 1/2” female.
- P/N IO620-MET: 14 mm female and 20 mm female.
P/N IO620-COMP Comparator adaptor For greater efficiency, two test devices can be connected at the same time. The adaptor connects to the pressure port of the DPI 612 and provides two outlet ports.
*Pressure relief valve Protects the PM 620 pressure module and the device under test from overpressure.
Screen protector (P/N IO61X-PROT)
Replacement touch screen stylus (P/N IO61XStylus)
Replacement test lead set (P/N IO61X-Lead)
Replacement shoulder strap (P/N IO612-STRAP)

DryTC 165 and DryTC 650
These dry block calibrators incorporate the latest metal block and electronic control technology and offer a choice of precision bored well inserts to accommodate a wide range of test devices. Two models are available:
- DryTC 165 generates temperatures from Room Temperature (RT) to 165°C
- DryTC 650 generates temperatures from ambient to 650°C.
Both models provide high accuracy, excellent set point stability, and rapid heating and cooling times.
- Accuracy from ±0.2°C
- Stability 0.05°C
- Rapid heating and cooling
- Lightweight and robust for field use
- Choice of interchangeable well inserts
- Easy to set-up and use
Dry well insertion sleeves
Dry block calibrators greatly simplify the test and calibration of process sensor heads, probes, switches, and thermometers, however optimum performance relies on a good fit of the device in the good insert. To facilitate this, a range of insertion sleeves are available with hole diameters to suit the most common probes and devices.

The calibrators of the new Druck Premium Temperature Calibrator series are characterised by their unparalleled performance and outstanding ease of operation. With an intuitive menu structure, all necessary inputs can be made quickly and easily.
The PTC range have a large touch screen to display the reference, target and devices under test temperatures. At the end of a calibration process, the Premium Temperature Calibrators provide the complete calibration certificate. The continuously growing bandwidth of supported temperature ranges supports an increasing number of temperature sensors on the market.
- Patented control technology - Fastest stabilisation times on the market - Time savings of up to 50 %
- Multifunction option with four functions in one calibrator (dry block / calibration bath / infrared / surface)
- Large calibration volume / large calibration insert for simultaneous calibration of many devices under test
- Patented touch screen function for simple and convenient operation
- Automatic generation of the calibration certificate
- Optional as pharmaceutical and food industry version with stainless steel housing
- Accessories: device under test management with barcode scanner

Multiple inserts as per the TC datasheet
- TCUSB USB output including a cable to connect to a PC
- TCCASE1 Aluminium transit case
- TCL10 Dow Corning 200 /CS10 silicone oil -35°C to +155°C
- TCL50 Dow Corning 200 /CS50 silicone oil +25°C to +270°C
- TCSTAND Probe support stand
- TCBATH Interchangeable liquid bath for use with LiquidTC165 and LiquidTC255 with LI configuration
- TCDKD DKD accredited Calibration. Not applicable to IR option of LiquidTC165 and LiquidTC255
PTC Premium Temperature Calibrators
- IOPTC-ASEN-1 Calibration Insert for Aseptic Sensors
- IOPTC-BAR-1 Barcode Scanner
- IOPTC-BT-1 Tub Insert
- IOPTC-CAM-1 Camera Holder for USB Camera
- IOPTC-CAM-2 Camera
- IOPTC-EXSEN-1 External Reference Sensor
- IOPTC-EXSEN-2 External Reference Sensor 660⁰C
- IOPTC-INF-1 Infrared Insert
4Sight2 is the new state-of-the-art, integrated Software as a Service (SaaS) calibration manager.
- Maintains compliance with industry standards
- Provides a full-time and date stamped audit trail
- Significantly reduces your operating costs
- Provides automated paperless solutions
- Ensures that you are always ready for an audit
4Sight2 calibration and management software gives you total control for all your calibration management tasks while helping you to comply with regulations, reduce running costs, and improve process efficiency. As your calibration manager, its automated workflow, robust data, and complete traceability will significantly reduce calibration and maintenance costs.

Equipment Management
- Create a comprehensive asset and test equipment database
- Create a comprehensive factory hierarchy (Plant, Location, Tag, Device, Range)
- Hierarchical or tabular visualization of data
- Customizable data grids
- Export data to standard file formats
Calibration Management
- Automates calibration when Integrated with the latest Druck workshop or documenting portable pressure, temperature & electrical calibrators
- Allows Manual entry of calibration data
- Uncertainty calculation for added industry-standard compliance
- Easy access to calibration history
- Automatic calibration scheduling and workload management
Reporting and Analysis
- Customization calibration certificate service
- Reverse trace report for tracing calibrations associated with a reference standard.
- Historical trending and drift analysis graph for interval analysis and predictive maintenance
Applications Server
- Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019
- All Windows Updates fully installed
- Quad-core processor
- 8GB or Greater (32GB Recommended)
- 1 TB disk space or greater
Client Workstation
- Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019
- Google Chrome V80+, Microsoft Edge V80, Firefox V74
- Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Version 2015.017.20050 +
- 8GB or Greater
Standalone PC/Installation
- Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019
- Google Chrome V80+, Microsoft Edge V80, Firefox V74
- Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Version 2015.017.20050 +
- 16GB or Greater (32 GB recommended)
- Dual-Core Processor
- 500 GB or greater disk space
Product Resources
DPI610E, DPI611 or DPI612