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The water industry currently endures significant challenges caused by rapid urbanization, climate change and rising customer demands. Operators must ensure a sufficient water supply while managing resources by tracking and maintaining network efficiency, identifying leaks, and improving network segmentation while maintaining availability.

For 60 years, we have been solving the challenges our customers experience everyday across several industries. We know how critical it is for Water and wastewater companies for tracking and maintaining network efficiency, identifying leaks, and processing raw water to make it potable as well as water treatment plants to release it safely into our environment.

And we’re here to help.

Explore our latest technologies and all the ways Panametrics can help you achieve more across your operations.

Panametrics Solutions for Water and wastewater

AquaTrans™ AT600
TransPort PT900
XMO2 Thermoparamagnetic Oxygen Transmitter
Services for Water and wastewater Industry

AquaTrans™ AT600

Panametrics' AquaTrans™ AT600 clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter for liquids is designed to be accurate, durable and cost-effective. 

  • Get accurate flow measurements for liquids, from water to chemicals, easily. That way you always know what’s happening in your pipe.

  • Install in less time than it takes to read the instructions. The sleek AT600 is ready to go in a few simple steps after you take it out of the box.

  • The cost-effective AT600 offers a perfect solution for metering water, chemicals and hydrocarbon liquids in water/wastewater, industrial, HVAC, hydroelectric and agricultural applications.

TransPort PT900

The TransPort PT900 portable ultrasonic liquid flow meter is Panametrics’ newest portable clamp-on flow meter. It easily attaches to the piping fixture to measure flow within the pipe. Users have no need to cut into the pipe and cause delays and downtime. The PT900 can also be used to spot-check other meters or deploy for temporary installations. 

Portable ultrasonic flow meters are designed for short- term survey and monitoring. Typically, they are compact and lightweight and meant to be temporarily installed and moved from site to site. Portables typically include the flow electronics, external components like fixtures, transducers and cables, and accessories such as thickness gages and carrying cases.

XMO2 Thermoparamagnetic Oxygen Transmitter

The field proven XMO2 offers many advantages over alternate measurement technologies:

  • Electrochemical or fuel cell sensors: although affordable, these sensors deplete over time and must be replaced.

  • Dumbbell-type paramagnetic sensors: these units contain a rotating dumbbell which may be sensitive to liquid carryover.

  • The XMO2 is reliable and time-proven. It has no moving parts and its cost effectiveness makes it the oxygen transmitter of choice: years of reliable service, no moving parts, non-depleting sensor and turnkey analyzer and sampling system.

Services for Water and wastewater Industry

We provide specific services for the water industry such as flowmeter calibration and preventative maintenance. To meet your peak demands or unexpected situations. And our experienced Panametrics instructors can customize a technology or product-specific training course for your technicians at our facilities or yours. 

Field Service

  • Troubleshoot and Repair Flow/Process Analyzers Equipment 
  • Commission Flow/Process Analyzers Equipment 
  • Training 
  • Preventative Maintenance 

In House Service Offerings 

  • In House Calibration, Troubleshoot, and Repair Flow/Process Analyzers Equipment 

Capture quick and accurate measurements without shutting down your process


Water E-book Thumbnail

Panametrics’ flow meters and oxygen analyzers can help your water treatment facility to get the most out of challenging operations through innovative technology.

Our goal is help water and wastewater operators optimize profitability by preventing downtime and improve efficiency.

Our flow meters and oxygen analyzers can improve accuracy and enhance reliability with on-demand readings and tablet to transmitter communication and reduce your maintenance costs.

Download our new e-book “Measurement that Matters” and discover how our comprehensive systems are a proven solution for water and wastewater operations.

Water and wastewater are critical to human life. From processing raw water that renders it potable, to water treatment plants that release wastewater safely into our environment, these processes require several flow measurements throughout the value chain.

We can help you capture quick and accurate measurements without shutting down your process.

Why AT600 and PT900 for water and wastewater?


Improve accuracy with a robust and versatile transducer  


Enhance reliability with on-demand readings and tablet to transmitter communication you’ll know right away when there are leaks or issues with your flow


Reduce downtime by attaching the flow meter to the outside of your pipe 

Why XMO2 for water and wastewater?


Improve the reliability of your measurement with non-depleting technology which has no moving parts


Simplify your installation with Panametrics turn-key solution of sample conditioning system and oxygen analyzer 


Reduce your maintenance costs and downtime with recovery from liquid carryover and process upsets which would normally render alternative technologies irreparable 


Type Name Language
Application Notes
Biogas Measurement from Wastewater to Power Plant
Application Notes
Measurement Over Heat Exchanger
Application Notes
Measuring wastewater flow in iron pipes
Application Notes
Oxygen content in wastewater digester gas