


  • Minimize pad volumes and reduce total frac fluid required with superior fluid efficiency
  • Minimize hydraulic horsepower requirements while improving proppant transport
  • Minimize formation damage and maximize fracture conductivity

  • Hydraulic fracturing operations
  • Energized fracturing operations with nitrogen
  • Frac-pack operations



Optimize your hydraulic fracturing operations with Lightning™ fracturing fluids from Baker Hughes.

These high-performance, guar polymer, borate-crosslinked systems are designed for applications up to 300°F (149°C). The high-yielding Baker Hughes GW-3 guar polymer provides the fracturing performance of conventional systems with substantially reduced polymer loadings. Lightning fracturing fluids can be used with a crosslink delay additive to customize crosslink times.


Get assured fracturing performance and application flexibility

Lightning fluids allow for controlled, efficient polymer break when deployed with EnZyme™ and HighPerm™ encapsulated breaker technologies. As a result, the fluid minimizes formation damage while maximizing fracture conductivity.

The fluid formulations are easily prepared, making them useful in both batch-mix and continuous-mix processes.  And their compatibility with most StimPlus™ products allows you to address flow assurance problems related to scales, paraffin, wax, and bacterial contamination during your stimulation job.

The Lightning fracturing fluid system is a member of the Baker Hughes SmartCare™ family of environmentally conscious chemical solutions, which helps ensure that your technical performance and environmental priorities are achieved. Evaluated by our environmental services group’s chemical assessment review process, Lightning fluids have been methodically vetted for health, safety, and environmental criteria, performance, consistency, compatibility, and value.

Contact us to learn how Lightning fracturing fluids can optimize your hydraulic fracturing jobs to maximize production.

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