

Baker Hughes’ Knowledge Services bring together the best parts of our advisory services, digital capabilities, and training programs, creating a whole new approach to enhancing your operations and achieving your goals.


  • Reduced operating and maintenance expenses
  • Higher equipment reliability and availability
  • Efficiency and productivity gains
  • Improved safety and environmental performance
  • Simplified human capital processes


Together we can harness the power of engineering, data, and science to redefine what's possible for your business.

Knowledge Services: Predictive suite
Preventative approach

Cost optimization and HSE improvements

Full operations audit and gap analysis to optimize maintenance costs and HSE.

KPIs delivered:

  • HSE
  • Cost optimization 
  • Increase reliability
  • Unplanned outage
Knowledge Services
Proactive approach

Increasing equipment availability and reliability

Analytics and condition-based intervention for availability, reliability, and skills.

KPIs delivered:

  • HSE
  • Cost optimization 
  • Availability and reliability
  • Organizational efficiency
Knowledge Services: Proactive suite
Predictive approach

Improving overall efficiency and productivity

Real-time assessment and improved efficiency for continuous knowledge evolution.

KPIs delivered:

  • HSE
  • Cost optimization 
  • Availability and reliability
  • Organizational efficiency
  • Production efficiency

Knowledge Services

Overview one-pager

More information to review offline or at your next team meeting.

Baker Hughes Knowledge Services – VR Training

Preview what Virtual Training, one component of the Knowledge Services offering, will be like for you and your team.

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Knowledge Services