
Get assured protection of your well’s target zone with Set for Life™ cementing systems from Baker Hughes. Our systems combine best practices based on field-proven solutions with proprietary design software to create a lifelong hydraulic seal between your well and the formation—even under challenging and variable conditions.


Find the optimal solution for your cementing challenges

Regardless of your well challenges, the Set for Life cementing systems include solutions that provide a lifetime of protection. Our integrated cement slurry formulations include:

  • DeepSet™ cementing systems to control shallow-water or gas flow in deepwater drilling environments
  • DuraSet™ cementing systems to provide superior tensile strength and elastic properties in wells exposed to deep drawdown and thermal cycles
  • LiteSet™ and FoamSet™ cementing systems that use a lightweight, foam-based slurry to produce a high-strength cement bond that ensures wellbore integrity and zonal isolation in low-fracture-gradient and high induced-stress conditions
  • PermaSet™ slurries, which ensure cement longevity in corrosive CO2 and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) environments
  • XtremeSet™ cementing systems, which ensure reliable, long-lasting zonal isolation in extreme high-pressure/high-temperature (HP/HT) applications
  • EnsurSet™ cementing systems that maintain long-term well integrity with a self-sealing cement that enhances mechanical properties

Ensure that your cementing solution is the right one for your well by working with our application experts. We custom-blend each system for your specific well conditions. Set for Life cementing systems also include advanced modeling and analytics, which we use to determine the optimal cementing system based on an accurate understanding of your reservoir’s changing pressures and temperatures, the cement’s required rheological properties and pump rates, and the expected compressive and tensile behavior of the cement system.

Contact us today to learn how Set for Life cementing systems can give you assured zonal isolation, specifically catered to your downhole conditions.

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