

  • Reduces ESP downtime while consuming less energy
  • Allows addition of more wells without additional power consumption
  • Takes 50% less time to assemble downhole ESP system at the rig site

  • Conventional and unconventional wells

The CENefficient ESP system combines Baker Hughes high-efficiency pumps, serviceless seals, permanent magnet motors, and variable speed drives to deliver high efficiency, reliability and flexibility. And that means that you can reduce pump downtime while consuming less energy. Less energy equals fewer carbon emissions.

In conventional wells the CENefficient system can save system energy consumption by more than 30% compared to other systems. In unconventional wells, the CENefficent ESP system can save system energy consumption by 20% in a typical well production cycle. These combined energy savings translate to reducing 1 million metric tons of carbon emissions by 2025.

Lower your energy consumption, reduce pump downtime, and get higher levels of efficiency, reliability and flexibility on your next well. More production, less carbon.

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