Druck Knowledge Base | FAQ | Software
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If you installed the software correctly and still unable to see the device then please check if Bluetooth is turned off on all clients PC and try again.
Having the the Bluetooth on sometimes causes interference with equipment and devices can't be connected.
Normally 4Sight2 is installed on a single machine which acts as a network server. Any PC which is then on the same network can then access the server.
Therefore the license provided is usually locked to one particular machine.
Use the password DemoUse@1234
For the Username use Admin.
Currently it is not possible to have the calibration results from multiple ranges in one calibration report.
There will be a separate calibration report for each range.
The steps to upgrade to the later version of 4Sight2 are as follows:-
First download the latest version from our website at the link below.
Make sure in the current version that there are no in-progress calibrations either with Technician or Approver.
You must complete all calibrations or cancel them if not required.
Extract the package downloaded from the link above and run 4Sight2.exe setup.
The setup will automatically upgrade to 1.5.1, you just need the postgres super user password that was entered during the installation of the current version.
Check the 4Sight2 user manual (attached) for supported languages.
In this instance changing the language in Chrome from Norwegian to English solved the issue.