


  • Track and trend program performance
  • Proactively identify issues and successes to make smarter, faster decisions
  • Optimize chemical treatment investments and improve HSE performance

  • Chemical management programs in large, diverse oilfield operations
  • Remote field locations requiring fast, efficient tracking and management of equipment integrity

The data visualization and real-time analytics system from Baker Hughes delivers powerful tools to leverage your field data for faster, better informed management decisions.

The integrated software system is a web-based portal that gives you efficient access to multiple asset data sources—including field, lab, and SAP financial data—in a clear format. Your teams get a unified portal for all field-related analytics, reports, and documents—all displayed on interactive dashboards.

The system interface is customizable for use in any location where it is needed. Your data is stored in a central database and fed into surveillance and key performance indicator (KPI) dashboards, making it an excellent complement to your chemical management program.

This fully digital, integrated system incorporates several services to improve your decision-making and optimize field treatments.

  • A Field Data Capture (FDC) system gives your field crews a single point of data entry via an app on a handheld device. Manipulate and review diverse data streams in different formats—including system surveys, sampling, measurements, and risk assessments. With FDC, you’ll collect your field data more quickly and accurately while efficiently streaming it into the main system platform.
  • Advanced, predictive analytics let you leverage proactive failure prevention programs. With this analytics power at your disposal, you’ll get assured asset integrity management and enhanced run life of downhole equipment like your electrical submersible pumping (ESP) systems.
  • A novel risk-based field management process uses historical and current performance data, corrosion monitoring results, fluids and solids analyses, and a host of other field information to map failure risk levels across your system. Backed by the analytical expertise of our technical support teams around the globe, this process delivers an accurate, robust risk profile for your field assets.

The agile system lets you prioritize resources for higher risk areas while improving your response to operational challenges as they arise. Ultimately, you get the perfect tool to help optimize chemical usage, track and trend technical and financial metrics, and maximize production efficiency and ROI.

Contact us to learn how the data visualization and real-time analytics system can help you maximize the power of your data.

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