


  • Apply to a wide range of job conditions, withstanding 280°F and differentials up to 1,500 psi
  • Mix easily without special safety mixing requirements other than standard PPE
  • Apply directly to working brine with full compatibility in both water and brine

  • Completion or workover operations
  • Controlling loss of high-density clear brine fluid to the formation



The TEKPLUG™ XL HD (high-density) cross-linked fluid loss control pill from Baker Hughes controls loss of high-density clear brine fluid during your completion or workover operations. This chemically modified cellulose polymer lays a highly viscous material across the formation face, virtually stopping the flow of brine into your formation.

The TEKPLUG XL HD polymer gel comes as a premixed cross-linked concentrate that is added directly to your completion brine. Simply add the gel in a batch mix tank or slugging pit, where it mixes easily with agitation to form the fluid loss control pill.

TEKPLUG XL HD functions through a polymer-layered network held in place on the formation face. You get a proven, highly effective fluid loss control solution that does not depend on bridging solids or on viscous drag within the formation.

Contact us to learn how the TEKPLUG XL HD cross-linked fluid loss control pill can minimize losses during your completions and workovers.

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