Meet the technology platform disrupting the future of well intervention. The open architecture design of the PRIME Technology Platform enables seamless integration of data and tools, transforming task range and performance. This is a new standard for e-line intervention solutions.




  • 3 x times faster conveyance speeds
  • 40% reduced time in well
  • Increased mechanical task efficiency, capability and certainty
  • Reduced operational risk and field logistics
  • Lower carbon footprint
  • Long lateral, extended reach horizontal well conveyance of e-line deployed technologies (logging tools, ballistic devices, powered mechanical services)
  • Intricate or complex mechanical intervention, namely rotational services (debris or component milling) and high expansion completion component manipulation
  • Innovative bespoke solutions leveraging the extensive instrumentation and real-time command and control capabilities inherent to the platform

PRIME highlights with icons.


PRIME Conveyance

Optimize the speed, force and task range of e-line payloads in deviated wells


  • Delivers high performance tractor conveyance at speeds 3X faster
  • Provides in-well drive section configurability, delivering string versatility and optimized tractor speed/force across the entire well trajectory
  • In-well speed control and digital telemetry provides optimized production logging acquisition while tractoring, even in the world’s most extreme extended reach wells



Intelligent, real-time control of speed, force and power delivery happens in the well

PRIME Compact Series

Taking PRIME capabilities to a new dimension


  • Brings advanced e-line intervention solutions to limited rig-up height operations
  • Delivers the task intelligence of PRIME 2 ½ tools to a 3⅜ compact tool architecture: 33% shorter tactor, 40% shorter Integrated stroker/tractor
  • Enables a dynamic step change in integrated application tool strings



With a tractor length reduction of 33%, the Compact Series enables a dynamic step change in integrated application tool strings

PRIME Compact Puncher

Advanced electro-mechanical puncher technology


  • Create multiple holes at a single depth with minimum 10 degrees offset 
  • Centralize tool position with dual anchors to archive optimal penetration angle 
  • Combine with other well intervention technologies for single-trip, multi-function solution (punch and cut) 




The PRIME Compact Puncher can be conveyed under gravity or integrated with the PRIME Compact Tractor and the PRIME Release Sub System (RSS)



PRIME Wellbore Cleanout

Real-time controlled rotation and suction capabilities to dislodge, collect and remove high volumes of debris from your well


  • Seamlessly controls milling and back-reaming
  • Includes modular tool string configuration capable of high-volume debris removal per run
  • Provides in-well chamber full verification for efficient task management leading to fewer runs



The rotation feature will dislodge and collect extremely high volumes of debris from your well

PRIME Completion Manipulation

Maximize the efficiency of e-line completion component installation, retrieval and manipulation


  • Real-time controlled, bi-directional axial force and stroke, provides high resolution installation, retrieval and manipulation of completion components
  • Offers independent anchor and stroke control for precise locating, positioning, and engagement sequences
  • Executes specifically as required to millimeter resolution for precise application and adjustment of stroke distance and force
  • Provides visibility of profile engagement and component activation for verification and increased certainty



With a stroke resolution of 1mm, you will be exactly where you need to be. Demand certainty, whatever the conditions

PRIME Component Milling

Optimize milling efficiency through intelligent instrumentation and real-time control of key parameters: torque, weight on bit (WOB) and RPM


  • Engages precisely on target
  • Provides real-time control of weight on bit/torque/rpm, continually adapting to optimize for varying component geometry while milling
  • Enhances in-well agility by analyzing, understanding, and adjusting to complete tasks



Intelligent instrumentation and sensors give you control to activate rotation and control weight on bit, torque, and rpm

PRIME Tool integration

The open architecture and high-speed telemetry enables seamless integration of data and third-party tools, transforming task range and performance


  • Enhances the logging while tractoring (LWT) data quality, operational awareness, control, and efficiency
  • Provides robust two-way communication for third party passenger tools while tractoring
  • Improves data acquisition quality and operational efficiency; optimized tractor speeds, less passes



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