作为无损检测 (NDT) 领域的全球领导者,Waygate Technologies 可提供符合高质量标准的工业级可靠性与稳定性。 我们的检测解决方案使运营人员可以更加精确高效地规划停工期,从而减少停机时间和成本。
我们的产品组合中含有可操控的爬行机器人,其具有多种无损检测载荷选择、高质量云台变焦 (PTZ) 相机系统以及可在检测期间为数字孪生模型标注地理位置的 3DLOC 软件。 这一切组成了针对密闭空间自动化检测的完整解决方案。
With our newest PTZ camera, we deliver market leading image quality with an intuitive and portable interface, packaged all-in-one box to streamline your confined space inspections.

3D LOC - Localization and Mapping inside confined spaces
A novel approach to confined space robot localization. The technology provides full 3D spatial awareness of the robot in the asset and provides a 3D interactive robot control. Inspection data is automatically tagged with the precise position in the asset, and a digital twin containing all the inspection data is maintained. Inspection reports are generated automatically, and the data can be uploaded into asset performance management systems.