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Tailored Radiography and CT Solutions for your Additive Manufacturing application needs

Today’s manufacturers are creating more complex parts than ever before — making inspections more challenging. Waygate Technologies’ industrial non-destructive testing solutions give manufacturers the ability to inspect and measure these complicated components and assemblies at the speed of production, so innovation can keep marching forward.

Technologies made for your industry

Powder Characterization
Machine Validation & Component Optimization
3D Metrology
Inspection Software Solutions
Services & Support

Services & Support

Contact us by reaching out to a Waygate Technologies sales representatives to discuss your needs or find a Customer Solutions Center location near you.

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Ready to learn more?

Talk to one of our non-destructive testing experts to find inspection solutions best suited for your needs.

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报名参加即将举行的网络研讨会,点播观看由我们的无损检测专家主持的往期网络研讨会。 我们的团队拥有超过 125 年的经验,可帮助您了解如何从我们的产品和服务中获得最大利益。