InspectionWorks Care
对于使用无损检测 (NDT) 设备和流程来保障产品质量和可靠性的公司来说,他们在资本设备上的投入巨大。 随着设备的部署使用,它们的性能会逐渐降低,需要接受维护。
为了充分利用这种资产,正确的作业流程和维护可以提升性能并延长寿命。 数据科学可以帮助操作人员、管理人员和支持人员了解资产状态,从而让他们做出相应的规划,充分利用无损检测资产。
InspectionWorks Care 是一款厂商中立的工业资产监测解决方案,可全面展示现场组件以及射线照相、超声波、视觉和其他检测工具等工厂系统的健康状态和状况。 它可以为用户提供近乎实时的执行信息,细致地查看代表设备及其环境的指示器。 该软件具备提醒功能,可帮助运营人员和其他人预测设备的未来状态。
InspectionWorks Care 可以帮助您定期追踪设备性能,从而主动发现并避免问题和故障的发生。 它可以通过精简维护规划、提升运营效率、质量和可预测性,以延长运行时间并缩短意外停机时间,并且可以降低您的无损检测资产总拥有成本。 它支持多种交付方式,并且可包含在不同支持套装中。
- 延长运行时间并缩短意外停机时间
- 提升运营的效率、质量和可预测性
- 精确规划预防性维护及其他活动
- 改善系统性能和寿命
- 更好地预测停机
- 主动更换组件
- 通过延长运行时间降低拥有成本
InspectionWorks Care 控制面板和性能报告支持多模态,可处理一系列工业资产管理和智慧工厂 KPI
- InspectionWorks Care 控制面板是一个高级门户网站页面,对您机组中所有无损检测系统提供了见解。
- InspectionWorks Care 性能报告可提供所有系统状况相关信息,并包括一份综合执行摘要。
InspectionWorks Care 可以协助追踪无损检测机组的健康状况、有效管理系统维护并避免发生不必要的停机。
- 系统消息:监测是否出现了任何因严重事件而触发的严重系统消息。
- 管健康状况:监测管参数,例如预热参数、真空压力和 X 射线超时事件。
- 灯丝:监测灯丝发射点数值以及灯丝失效日期。
- 定心:监测 X 和 Y 定心值的范围。
- 探测器健康状况:监测探测器参数,例如 SNR、CNR、CDF。
InspectionWorks Care can be delivered as a cloud dashboard for anyone in the organization to consume. With the cloud-based Dashboard, users have access to high-level portal information on their X-ray or other industrial testing gear including detector and device health status. Users can also drill down to detailed KPIs. Trends can help determine optimal management of machines and other measurement. In the of Computed Tomography (CT), a hig- level portal page for all of your machine depicts tube, filament, centering, and detector business level indicators from green to red. Detailed detector info such as Signal, SNR,CNR, and bad pixels info as well as more specific tube data can also be found with the dashboards.

InspectionWorks Care can also be delivered as Performance Reports. The Performance Reports consists of a routinely sent multi-page performance reports covering executive and detailed information on the status of industrial machines and environments. These reports are also coupled with routine 30-minute touchpoint with a Waygate Technologies consulting expert who analyzes the current status and recent trends facing your factory machinery.
The monthly InspectionWorks Care Performance Report outlines the following categories: system messages, equipment performance statistics, maintenance procedural notes, and environmental status.

IW Care takes snap shots of data from industrial machines in near real-time or according to one’s preferences. Using Extract, Transfer, and Load (ETL) data science principles and techniques, the software turns disperse data into information easily consumed by operators and managers.
The software pulls from a growing list of KPIs which are constantly monitored. These include
- General Tube Conditions: Total x-Ray On Time, Total Tube Operating Time, Tube Operating Time, X-Ray On Time, System Message Events
- Warm-Up Events: Number of Breakdown Events, Warmup Offset Current, Warmup Voltage, Warmup Arc Events
- Operating Parameters: X-Ray Timeouts, Arching Events During Operation, Vacuum Pressure Over Time Plot, Centering X and Y values, Filament Emission Point, Filament Failure
- Detector Parameters: Detector KPIs including bad pixel count, bad pixel lines, bad relevant clusters, signal level, signal to noise ratio (SNR), offset level, electrical noise, MTF, CDF, contrast to noise ratio (CNR)
The software then parses this data, forming graphs with trending lines and reference points to help managers and engineers understand the healthier of their industrial assets. By using the solution, good asset planning is not only possible but greatly simplified.

InspectionWorks Care is a secure software solution that embraces technology from leading open source partners and third-party suppliers. The solution leverage security protocols and best practice workflows.
The software is multi-modal working with a range of industrial asset management and smart factory KPIs. It manages X-ray, Computed topology, ultrasonic, and other domains. It will be ready to hand smart factory features via wireless feeds. IT supports a variety of machine and factory systems including but not limited to X-ray open and closed tubes, DDA detectors, and servers and other infrastructure components. With InspectionWorks Care, uses can digest, analyses and transform manufacturing data into knowledge that can be acted upon. This action-oriented knowledge foster automation.

IW Care 基础控制面板可以详细展示 CT 系统各种组件的健康状态和状况。 目前包括开放管和探测器健康状况监测。
IW Care 性能报告是 IW Care 软件使用的一项资产管理解决方案,可以用于服务专家的咨询。 该解决方案可提供开放管和探测器的运行状态以及系统健康状况监测(实时)。 其中包含了与服务专家之间的单月(双月)接触点,用于查看系统性能、分析数据并了解理想的运行做法。
单月制:单独购买或包含在 Premium SSA 中。
双月制:与预防性维护合同、Essential SSA 和 Advanced SSA 搭配。
目前,IW Care 控制面板和性能报告可用于配置有开放管的 v|tome|x 系列,能够评估开放管和探测器的健康状况。
简单来说,IW Care 会简要说明以下类别:
系统消息:监测是否出现了任何严重的系统消息事件。 管健康状况:监测管参数,例如预热参数、真空压力和 X 射线超时事件。
定心:监测 X 和 Y 定心值的范围。
探测器健康状况:监测探测器参数,例如 SNR、CNR、CDF。
InspectionWorks Care 的系统要求极低。 任何配有开放管、常见探测器(Dynamic 41 100、Dynamic 41 200 或 DXR 250 RT)并且符合以下要求的各类 IXS 系统(包括 V|tome|x 系列)都可以搭载 InspectionWorks Care
Datos|x 软件版本 2.10.1
校准球(针对 MTF)
为了收集探测器数据并取得上述的性能指标,以上属于必需的要求。 OPCUA 连接器与增益和偏移工具是 InspectionWorks Care 套装的一部分。
图像质量工具可以实现深度性能控制,保证符合 ASTM 标准的高质量图像。 可根据应用要求单独使用各款工具。