

Low total cost of ownership (TCO)

The NovaLT™ family of gas turbines minimizes total cost of ownership (TCO) for 5-20 MW machines in power generation and mechanical drive applications—while delivering high efficiency and uptime for the entire operating lifecycle.


High efficiency and flexibility

NovaLT™ turbines can reach over 37% efficiency in simple-cycle configuration, and up to 85% in cogeneration configuration,  thanks to the high exhaust temperature that makes it the ideal solution in industrial and combined heat and power applications.


New standards in availability and reliability

With only 45 days needed for installation, an exceptional 35,000-hour mean time between maintenance, and 24-hour engine swap capability, NovaLT™ turbines are the best options for availability and reliability.


Environmental impact

NovaLT™ turbines manufacturing activities alone (including factory acceptance tests) had 16% average lower GHG emissions for NovaLT™12 and 35% average lower for NovaLT™16 versus previous technologies such as compared to PGT10 turbine. In addition the turbines are specifically designed to perform at 9ppm NOx @15%O2 emissions for natural gas fuel (from 50% to 100% load), in both mechanical drive and power generation applications.

Enlightened service and maintenance philosophy

Based on best practices from the aviation industry, our recommended approach to major maintenance starts with a 24-hour engine swap so your operation can keep running while work is completed. The replacement can be your spare or a new machine from our leasing fleet. Your unit will be refurbished by our Service Center Network to ensure the highest standards of executional quality and safety—all work is completed quickly and precisely by a dedicated team working in a specialized environment with all the necessary resources. Alternatively, we can support a range of maintenance activities performed directly at your site, if you would prefer that option. In either case, the combined expertise of service shop personnel and Baker Hughes field engineers will ensure a smooth return to operation and highest confidence in the turbine's performance.


Hydrogen for energy transition

Baker Hughes has established experience burning a variety of fuel mixtures with high hydrogen content, including about 70 projects worldwide using Frame and aeroderivative gas turbines.

Our NovaLT™16 turbine can start-up and burn gas blends up to 100% hydrogen. It can also switch from natural gas to blends or 100% hydrogen with no hardware changes.

Hydrogen technologies

Energy transition

NovaLT Hydrogen
Enabling transition

Proven technologies for emerging hydrogen needs

Hydrogen will play a key role in the energy transition. Baker Hughes contributes to the hydrogen economy with major technology advances across our entire portfolio: gas turbines capable of burning 100% H2 and blends, as well as centrifugal and reciprocating compressors.

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NovaLT™ Gas Turbines