Get new, high-quality Baker Hughes products and equipment – all fit for your business needs
Unlike our traditional full-service offering, Direct Sales On-Demand offers new technology and high-quality products and tools outside of service contracts.
We’ve been involved in direct sales since 1975, evolving our business model through the years. Today, with more dedicated resources, we are ready to bring you:
- More advanced products and tools
- Customized technical support and training
- Solutions that are fit for your business need
- Our Direct Sales On-Demand solution has provided customers around the world with the technology and products fit for their respective applications.
- Creates maximum project value through flexible commercial model

Rotary steerable system drilling technology direct sales in Asia Pacific
A national oil company in the Asia Pacific region internalized its directional drilling services and optimized its operational costs.

Openhole and cased-hole wireline logging products direct sales in the Middle East
A Middle East customer optimized its operations and supported localization.

Premium drilling fluid products direct sales in Africa
A major integrated oil company in Africa removed near-wellbore damage mechanisms and enhanced production, without in-country presence.