
Radiography and CT Solutions for Automotive

Automotive inspection starts here

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Tailored Radiography and CT Solutions for your Automotive application needs
waygate technologies

Waygate Technologies offers industry-leading solutions for the rigorous quality requirements of the automotive industry — from castings and composites to weld and bond seam inspection to electronics, sensors and battery scanning. Bring fast, accurate, cost-effective NDT solutions to the floor of your plant.

Quality Magazine feature

How Nondestructive Testing is Driving Sustainable Quality in the Automotive Sector

Technologies made for your industry

Cast Parts
Electronics, Sensors, Batteries, Semiconductors & PCBAs
Inspection Software Solutions
Services & Support

Cast Parts Inspection

To inspect large or high absorbing cast parts we offer our V|tome|x MV|tome|x CV|tome|x L300V|tome|x L450 and Power|scan HE.

For large cast parts and complex structures that have to be tested in a bunker, the Seifert components (X-Ray generators including X-Ray tubes and detectors) create a solution for every application.

Electronics, Sensors, Batteries, Semiconductors & PCBA Inspection

Visit our dedicated Radiography and CT Solutions for the Electronics Industry page to find the best solution for your needs.

Services & Support

Contact us by reaching out to a Waygate Technologies sales representatives to discuss your needs or find a Customer Solutions Center location near you.

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Ready to learn more?

Talk to one of our non-destructive testing experts to find inspection solutions best suited for your needs or read our whitepapers and infographics.

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